добровольчий резерв ВМС
Volunteer Air Reserve
volunteer reserve
Volunteer Reserve Marine Corps
army volunteer reserve
inactive Reserve (Individual Ready Reserve [IRR])
InformNapalm volunteer intelligence community
volunteer battalion
volunteer certificate
volunteer reconnaissance and assault brigade named after the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (Nevsky Squad)
volunteer officer candidate
volunteer retirement eligibility
volunteer training program
Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC / RDK)
part time soldier (volunteer)
Department of the Navy (DN)
maritime forces (see navy)
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Naval Forces; Navy
Navy Armaments Section
Navy Department
navy group; naval group
Navy Liaison Element (NALE)
Navy Officer Candidate School
Navy SEALs (SEa, Air, Land)
navy special operations forces
Navy Special Warfare (NSW)
Office of the Secretary of the Navy
operating forces of the Navy
regular navy