порушення прав людини
human rights monitor
protection of human rights
violations of human rights
human remains (розм. HR, as opposed to Human Resources)
navigation rights
Charter on the rights and obligations of States relating to global navigation satellite system (GNSS) services
maneuver rights
re-employment rights
alleged violation
cease-fire violation
violation of integrity
violation of law (breach of the law)
violation of sanctions
violation of state borders
violation of territorial waters
violation of the armistice
violation of the state border
security violation
Defense Integrated Military Human Resource System (DIMHRS)
Human and Financial Resources Directorate (NATO)
human effects
human endurance
Human Factors and Medicine Panel (HFM, NATO)
human intelligence (HUMINT)
human intelligence (HUMINT) collector
human intervention
human net mine
human resources
human sea attack
human shield
human source
human target