Використовуйте для перемикання SERVO
Use to toggle customized Camera Control
Use to toggle customized User
Use to toggle PIDAUDIO
Use Dshot beacon (use motors to sound beeps when disarmed)
endless sling toggle hitch
servo (mechanism)
control servo
autopilot servo unit
servo tab
aileron servo unit
servo-controlled gimbal system
servomotor, servomechanism (servo)
Applied to either side of Servo Neutral
Forward aux channels to servo outputs
Servo - 1
Servo gimbal
Servo High Threshold
Servo Low Threshold
Servo Neutral
Servo Neutral Dead Band
Servo Settings
Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF)
combat use
combat use of forces
cooperative use
disproportionate use of force
dual-use commodity
dual-use technology
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
incident involving the use of arms
indiscriminate use of force