сервомеханізм автопілота
aileron servo unit
sight line autopilot (SLAP)
autopilot control
autopilot operation
autopilot coupler
versatile drone autopilot
servo (mechanism)
control servo
servo tab
servo-controlled gimbal system
servomotor, servomechanism (servo)
Applied to either side of Servo Neutral
Forward aux channels to servo outputs
Servo - 1
Servo gimbal
Servo High Threshold
Servo Low Threshold
Servo Neutral
Servo Neutral Dead Band
Servo Settings
Use to toggle SERVO
battery coolant unit / battery-coolant unit (BCU)
gear reduction unit / gear-reduction unit
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
pinch (a unit) out of a large unit
administrative support unit
air assault infantry unit
air defense fire unit
air filtration unit
alarm unit