трасувальний елемент (політ кулі продовжується після його згоряння)
tracer burnout (tracer burn out)
tracer ammunition
tracer burnout range
armor-piercing capped incendiary shell with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary bullet with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary shell with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary tracer shell
armor-piercing tracer shot
armor-piercing tracer
day tracer
night tracer bullet
map tracer
shell-destroying tracer
tracer control
tracer limit
tracer rocket
tracer streak
tracer wand trainer
spotter-tracer round
analytical control element
civil affairs (CA) element
civilian element (peacekeeping)
combat element
combat service support element
combat support element (cmb spt elm)
command and control element
Command Element (CE)
command element
delay element
deployable joint staff element (DJSE)
detector element