пристрілювально-трасувальний снаряд
tracer burnout (tracer burn out)
round-to-round laying
round-to-round scatter
forward observer (FO), forward observation officer; (artillery) observer / spotter
gun spotter
gunnery spotter
spotter plane
atom spotter
spotter helicopter
spotter-director helicopter
air gun spotter
air gunnery spotter
spotter reconnaissance plane
artillery spotter
tracer ammunition
tracer element
tracer burnout range
armor-piercing capped incendiary shell with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary bullet with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary shell with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary tracer shell
armor-piercing tracer shot
armor-piercing tracer
day tracer
night tracer bullet
map tracer
shell-destroying tracer
tracer control
tracer limit