armour piercing tracer (AP-Т)
бронебійно-трасуючий (трасувальний) (боєприпас)
бронебійно-трасуючий (трасувальний) (боєприпас)
armour piercing discarding sabot with tracer (APDS-T)
armour-piercing, fin stabilised, discarding sabot - tracer projectile (APFSDS-T)
tracer burnout (tracer burn out)
combat body armour (CBA), body armour
armor-piercing capped incendiary shell with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary bullet with tracer
Armor Piercing High-Explosive – Tracer (APHE-T )
armor-piercing high explosive incendiary tracer (APHE-IT)
high-explosive armor-piercing with tracer (HEAP-T)
high-explosive armor-piercing with tracer, self-destructing (HEAP-T SD)
semiarmour piercing high-explosive incendiary with tracer (SAPHEI-T)
frangible armour-piercing incendiary discarding-sabot
armour-piercing composite shot
armour-piercing incendiary cartridge