(рлк.) різницево-далекомірний режим
acrobatic mode (ACRO mode)
positioning mode (P Mode)
sport mode (S Mode)
attitude mode (ATTI mode)
deflection difference
azimuth difference chart
correction for range difference
difference between the elevation angular limits
difference North
distribution difference
divergence difference
elevation difference
height difference correction
elevation difference correction
azimuth difference
range difference
normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
zone standard time (zone time) (ZST)
time to climb / climb time
time-gain control / gain time control
real time kinematic / real-time kinematic (RTK)
takeoff time (T time)
conventional mode
engagement mode
frequency-hopping mode
security dilemma / spiral mode
mode of fire
mode transducer
online mode
passive mode
passive structural mode control
return-to-base mode