різниця ординат
deflection difference
azimuth difference chart
correction for range difference
difference between the elevation angular limits
distribution difference
divergence difference
elevation difference
height difference correction
time difference mode
elevation difference correction
azimuth difference
range difference
normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
Alliance (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
compass north
grid north (GN)
magnetic north (MN)
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
North American Air Defense Command
North Atlantic Council (NAC)
North Atlantic Council Initiating Directive (NID)
North Atlantic Treaty
North Atlantic Treaty area
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Alliance
true north (TN)
Washington Treaty (North Atlantic Treaty)
North Atlantic Assembly (NAA)
North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO)
north reference direction of geographical meridian
grid north
grid-north angle