(розм.) `знімати / зняти стружку`
take-off strip
gas gun; (tear) gas launcher
invisible tear gas
punch / smash / tear a hole (in the defenses)
tear agent
tear gas
tear gas launcher
visible tear gas
wear and tear
contused tear wound
tear-contused wound
certificate of fair wear and tear
off-route (off route)
off-design / off design
lift-off / lift off
on-off keying; on/off keying (OOK)
abrasion strip
anti-chafe strip
crash strip
landing strip
mine strip
spike strip
strip a weapon
strip map
United Nations Aouzou Strip Observer Group (UNASOG)
field strip
articulated strip (of a machine-gun feed)
bearing strip
wear strip
highway strip
fit strip
strip inspection