газова рушниця
tear gas launcher
invisible tear gas
tear gas
visible tear gas
punch / smash / tear a hole (in the defenses)
tear agent
tear a strip off
wear and tear
contused tear wound
tear-contused wound
certificate of fair wear and tear
L119 light gun (105 mm light gun)
submachine gun / sub-machine gun (SMG; smg)
gun control equipment / gun-control equipment (GCE)
duck gun (duck-gun)
flame gun / flaming gun
gun by gun
airborne launcher
anti-tank grenade launcher
anti-tank guided missile launcher
ARWEN (Anti-Riot Weapon Enfield) Launcher
assault launcher
automatic grenade launcher
Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (AML)
barbed wire and tape launcher
bridge launcher/ layer
enhanced launcher electronics system (ELES)
expendable launcher
grenade launcher
grenade-launcher platoon
guided missile launcher