високоточні боєприпаси
blind smart bomb
precision-guided munition (PGM) (smart weapon / munition / bomb)
SMArt 155 (Suchzünder Munition für die Artillerie 155 [SubMunition / sensor-fuse munition for artillery])
smart bomb
smart defense
smart fish
smart gun
smart sanctions
smart target-activated fire-and-forget projectile (STAFF proj)
Hard-Target Smart Fuse (HTSF)
common geometry smart projectile
smart money
smart flapping wing-equipped micro air vehicle
smart audio (SA)
MAM (Mini Akıllı Mühimmat / Smart Micro Munition)
Smart Feedforward
Allied Ammunition Storage and Safety Publications (AASTP)
ammo pouch (ammunition pouch)
ammunition (ammo)
ammunition bearer
ammunition belt
ammunition box
ammunition consumption
ammunition drum
ammunition dump
ammunition handling and storage system
ammunition pouch
ammunition section
ammunition ship (AE)
ammunition storage point (ASP)
ammunition stowage
ammunition-carrying capacity