Servos requires firmware and target support
Сервоприводи потребують прошивки та підтримки цільовим пристроєм
Сервоприводи потребують прошивки та підтримки цільовим пристроєм
Picked preset requires firmware version X
requires supported ESC firmware
Pass roll, yaw, and pitch directly from Rx to servos in airplane mix
configuration change requires a reboot
Instantaneous battery consumption in mAh/distance (Requires valid GPS fix)
Flight controller firmware has to support this feature.
Your flight controller's firmware does not support Blackbox logging
Your flight controller's firmware does not support transponder functionality
Your flight controller's firmware is too old to support this tab
air support field pack, field pack air support, airborne / para (air support) / Pathfinder Bergen
Firmware image contains addresses not found on target device
Loaded target, load firmware file
target scattering crossover / target scattering cross-section / electronic target profile