(розм.) сон, час відпочинку
compression sack, stuff sack
daysack, assault sack / pack, patrol / day pack, Northern Ireland (NI) patrol sack
flying hours / logged flight hours
logged flight hours / flying hours
man hours of duty
mean time between repairs (flying hours)
time to first overhaul (flying hours)
duty, off duty
duty, on duty
engineering sack, other arms Bergen, turtle backpack
jump sack
hit the sack
sack dummy
sack rat
Sad Sack
snore sack
day sack
fart sack
hours flown in combat
cryptanalyst hours
maintenance by flight hours
airframe flying hours
assigned life (of an aircraft in flying hours)
engine logged hours
helicopter logged hours
total airframe flying hours
in the hours of daylight
Watt hours (Wh) rating
full time military duty
part time duty
zone standard time (zone time) (ZST)