час на виконання службових обов'язків (у людино-годинах)
flying hours / logged flight hours
logged flight hours / flying hours
sack duty (hours, time)
duty, off duty
duty, on duty
no man's land / no-man's land
man behind the man behind the gun
man-to-man encounter
man-to-man fighting
man-to-man weapon
hours flown in combat
cryptanalyst hours
maintenance by flight hours
airframe flying hours
assigned life (of an aircraft in flying hours)
engine logged hours
helicopter logged hours
mean time between repairs (flying hours)
time to first overhaul (flying hours)
total airframe flying hours
in the hours of daylight
Watt hours (Wh) rating
active service/ duty
airlift duty officer
combat alert duty
combat duty assignment
command billet / duty / installation
command duty
demolition duty
duty officer
duty roster
entry on active duty