напрацювання двигуна
flying hours / logged flight hours
logged flight hours / flying hours
helicopter logged hours
engine capacity / engine power, engine output
hours flown in combat
cryptanalyst hours
maintenance by flight hours
airframe flying hours
assigned life (of an aircraft in flying hours)
mean time between repairs (flying hours)
time to first overhaul (flying hours)
total airframe flying hours
sack duty (hours, time)
in the hours of daylight
Watt hours (Wh) rating
man hours of duty
reaction engine / motor (jet engine)
rotary engine (Wankel engine)
engine ground run / engine test
engine oil reservoir / engine oil tank
airbreathing jet engine / ducted jet engine
air-breathing jet engine
axial-flow (jet) engine
axial-flow turboshaft engine
compression ignition engine
cylinder block (engine block)
diesel engine
engine kill
engine pack
engine room
engine thrust