Оберти/хв з телеметрії ESC
RPM frequency reported by ESC telemetry
Temperature reported by ESC telemetry
ESC RPM frequency
ESC RPM maximum
Sends ESC data to the FC via DShot telemetry
Different ESC firmware file, than in current ESC flash!
reported weather
Select the timer precision, this controls to what precision the time is reported in
main-rotor rpm
respirations per minute (rpm)
RPM Filter
Dynamic Idle Value X RPM
Gyro RPM Filter
Gyro RPM Filter Harmonics Number
Gyro RPM Filter Min Frequency (Hz)
Low RPM Power Protection
Minimum frequency that will be used by the RPM Filter
RPM or temperature are out of the configured threshold
RPM Power Protection (Rampup)
Will hold the maximum possible RPM at the allowed current
revolutions per minute (rpm)
telemetry online processing system
XML Telemetry
telemetry system
LINK telemetry
Telemetry output from receiver
Telemetry Ratio
30ms Telemetry Output
Enable telemetry output to send to transmitter