Захист потужності за RPM (Поступовий підйом)
Low RPM Power Protection
rampup power
Maximum Startup Power (Protection)
main-rotor rpm
respirations per minute (rpm)
revolutions per minute (rpm)
revolutions per minute (RPM)
RPM Filter
Dynamic Idle Value X RPM
ESC RPM frequency
ESC RPM maximum
Gyro RPM Filter
Gyro RPM Filter Harmonics Number
Gyro RPM Filter Min Frequency (Hz)
Minimum frequency that will be used by the RPM Filter
RPM frequency reported by ESC telemetry
RPM or temperature are out of the configured threshold
RPM reported by ESC telemetry
Will hold the maximum possible RPM at the allowed current
high-power illuminator radar / high power illuminating radar (HIPIR)
antiaircraft protection
antitank protection
armor protection
atomic protection
ballistic protection (armor)
chemical protection equipment (military)
civil protection
Civil Protection Committee (CPC, NATO)
civil protection in emergency situations
collective NBC protection