швидкострільність; режим вогню; швидкість стрільби; темп вогню
slant fire; diagonal fire; oblique fire; fire to the oblique
cyclic rate of fire
effective rate of fire
high rate of fire
missile defense rate of fire
sustained rate of fire
deliverable rate of fire
double-cycle scheme high rate-of-fire rifle
fire rate
fire control orders (FCO) ('Hold Fire', 'Cease Fire' and 'Engage')
attrition rate
available supply rate
average rate of march
consumption rate
controllable rate
filtration rate
flow rate
full-rate production (FRP)
hop rate
incident rate
kill rate
leakage rate (missile defence)
Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP)
pilot-selectable firing rate
pulse repetition rate (PRR)
radioactive decay rate
rate of burning
rate of climb
rate of march
rate of pay
at the rate of x miles an hour
required supply rate (RSR)