ступінь радіоактивного опромінення
radiation exposure status (RES)
duration of exposure to radiation
radiation exposure
radiation exposure badge
radiation exposure report
acquisition category (ACAT)
category (goods)
category of support
ship category
target category / target cat
facility performance category i (іі, ііі)
ICAO category I approach
ICAO category II approach
ICAO category III approach
ICAO category standard
operational performance category I (II, III, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC)
active duty category commitment
career category approval
career category program
ammunition explosive storage category
category I unit
category II unit
category III unit
category man
category troop program
Device category
exposure standards
harmful exposure
lethal exposure
CABCDE (Critical Bleeding, Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure)