програма визначення службових категорій відповідно до завдань військ
troop-carrier squadron / troop carrier squadron
career category program
acquisition category (ACAT)
category (goods)
category of support
ship category
target category / target cat
facility performance category i (іі, ііі)
ICAO category I approach
ICAO category II approach
ICAO category III approach
ICAO category standard
operational performance category I (II, III, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC)
active duty category commitment
career category approval
ammunition explosive storage category
category I unit
category II unit
category III unit
category man
radiation exposure category
Device category
air cavalry troop
armored cavalry troop
assault helicopter company / troop
attack helicopter troop
automated troop command and control system
cavalry troop
engineer troop unit
headquarters and headquarters battery / company / detachment / troop (HHB / HHC / HHD/ HHT)
non-NATO troop contributing nation (NNTCN)