квартирно-експлуатаційна служба
quartering detachment
quartering officer
quartering party
battery coolant unit / battery-coolant unit (BCU)
gear reduction unit / gear-reduction unit
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
pinch (a unit) out of a large unit
search and rescue service unit
carrier aircraft service unit
air base service unit
service unit
area service unit
personnel service unit
service support element (unit)
branch (military/service branch, armed service)
separate from active service / the service
Y service (Y-service) / Y-station
regional meteorological service/ regional weather service (RWS)
emergency service / emergency operations service
administrative support unit
air assault infantry unit
air defense fire unit
air filtration unit
alarm unit
armored cavalry unit
armored unit
artillery unit
assault unit
attached unit
attacking unit
auxiliary power unit (APU)