принцип територіальної цілісності
territorial integrity
territorial principle
destroy the integrity of the enemy's defense
integrity of the defensive system
integrity of the personality (PTSD)
violation of integrity
hull integrity
watertight integrity
combat integrity
territorial acquisition
territorial claims
territorial defence
territorial dispute
territorial sea
territorial waters
violation of territorial waters
territorial pretensions
focus of territorial aspirations
International legion for the Defence of Ukraine (ILDU) / International Legion of Territorial Defence of Ukraine / Ukrainian Foreign Legion
Warwickshire Yeomanry, Territorial Army
Cambridgeshire Regiment, Territorial Army
made territorial gains
protection of the territorial indivisibility
Territorial Centre of Recruitment and Social Support (TCRSS / TCR & SS / TCR and SS)
away-from-home manning principle
operating principle
quantity-distance principle
principle of collective responsibility
principle of defense sufficiency
principle of solidarity
principle of subsidiarity