зміцнення миру
consolidation of peace
consolidation and reorganization phase
consolidation of a position
consolidation of detente
consolidation of gains
consolidation of the airhead
consolidation and containerization point (CCP)
consolidation area
backfill consolidation
Allied Joint Doctrine for the Military Contribution to Peace Support (AJP-3.4.1)
collective peace support force
European Peace Facility (EPF)
lasting peace
NATO Partnership for Peace Trust Fund
NATO-led Partnership for Peace operation
operational Partnership for Peace
Partnership for Peace (PfP)
Partnership for Peace Framework Document
Partnership for Peace Programme
peace agreement
peace building
peace enforcement (PE)
peace enforcement operations (PEO)
peace enforcers
peace negotiations
peace operations (PO)
peace plan
peace process
peace proclamation
peace restoration
peace settlement
peace support