NATO Partnership for Peace Trust Fund
Партнерство заради миру - трастовий фонд
Партнерство заради миру - трастовий фонд
UNDP Thematic Trust Fund for Crisis Prevention and Recovery
Helicopter Maintenance Trust Fund
NATO-led Partnership for Peace operation
Partnership for Peace Programme
Political-Military Steering Committee on Partnership for Peace (PfP/SC)
Partnership for Peace staff element
Defense Policy and Partnership Section (NATO)
Euro-Atlantic Integration and Partnership Directorate (NATO)
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Military Committee (EAPMC)
public-private partnership (PPP)
AUKUS (ˈɔːkəs) (security partnership between Australia, UK and US)
delegation (of NATO member state at NATO HQ)
7.62×51mm NATO (official nomenclature 7.62 NATO)
Allied Joint Doctrine for the Military Contribution to Peace Support (AJP-3.4.1)