сіра зона або нічийна земля (територія, не зайнята жодною із сторін)
no man's land / no-man's land
exclusion zone; no man's land
forefield; foreground; security zone; no man's land
no man's country (land)
man behind the man behind the gun
man-to-man encounter
man-to-man fighting
man-to-man weapon
acquisition of land / territory
air land team
air, land, and maritime domains
air-land battle
air-land Integration (ALI)
air-land operation
air-land task force
Allied Joint Doctrine for Land Operations (AJP-3.2)
arable land
Army (ground forces / land forces)
atomic demolition munition(s) (ADMs), ‘nuclear land mines’
Commander-in-Chief Land Forces
land component
land component command (LCC)
land convoy
land dead on target
land environment
land forces
land mine (landmine)
land navigation
land operations (LANDOPS)