масований вогневий удар (МВУ)
massed missile-artillery shock
massed fire
immediate massed fire support
massed conventional arms limited objectives operation
slant fire; diagonal fire; oblique fire; fire to the oblique
fire control orders (FCO) ('Hold Fire', 'Cease Fire' and 'Engage')
selector lever, fire selector, fire switch, fire selector switch
air-oil shock strut
electric shock prod
psychological impact / shock
shell shock
shock absorber
shock absorber housing
shock action
shock attack
shock baton
shock effect
shock load
shock mount
shock power
shock test
shock wave (shockwave)
shock wave propagation
hard foam inner lining, shock absorbing liner
conical shock tube air blast simulator
high density shock tube
shock reducer
shock-type behavior
air-type shock absorber
dash pot type shock absorber
direct-acting shock absorber
explosion shock