конічна ударна труба для імітації повітряної ударної хвилі
conical shock wave
high density shock tube
diaphragm-type shock tube
aerodynamically instrumented shock tube
double-diaphragm shock tube
electrically driven shock tube
electric-arc-driven shock tube
electromagnetic shock tube
free-piston shock tube
hypersonic shock tube
magnetically insulated shock tube
pressure-driven shock tube
shock tube experiment
shock tube with detonating driver gas
shock-tube axis
shock-tube boundary layer
shock-tube equation
shock tube
A tube / A-tube
transmitting-receiving tube (TR tube)
conical end
conical fin
conical progression of bore
conical flow
Taylor-Maccoll solution for conical flow
conical scanning
nun buoy (conical)
blunt conical reentry vehicle
conical scaning
supersonic air blast
air-blast circuit breaker
air-blast atomizer