завдання матеріально-технічного забезпечення
combat functions (warfighting functions WFF) - Command and Control; Intelligence; Fires; Movement and Maneuver; Protection; Sustainment
impairment of mental functions (PTSD)
logistic functions
tactical battle management functions (TBMF)
warfighting functions (WFF - command and control; intelligence; fires; movement and maneuver; protection; sustainment)
harmonic conjugate functions
alignment of functions
adjustment functions
LED Functions
acquisition logistics
acquisition, technology, and logistics (AT&L)
administration and logistics
administrative-logistics net
authorized holding (logistics)
automobile logistics battalion
bill of materials (BOM) (logistics)
component of logistics
contractor logistics support (CLS)
cooperative logistics
defense logistics
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
direct exchange (DX) (logistics)
distributed logistics support
force logistics coordinator (FLC)
Group Logistics Coordinator (GLC)
Head of Logistics
infrastructure engineering for logistics (IEL)
in-service logistics support
item identification (logistics)
joint logistics support group (JLSG)
Joint Staff, Logistics J4
logistics (log)