Функції LED (світлодіоду)
combat functions (warfighting functions WFF) - Command and Control; Intelligence; Fires; Movement and Maneuver; Protection; Sustainment
impairment of mental functions (PTSD)
logistic functions
logistics functions
tactical battle management functions (TBMF)
warfighting functions (WFF - command and control; intelligence; fires; movement and maneuver; protection; sustainment)
harmonic conjugate functions
alignment of functions
adjustment functions
intelligence-led operation
NATO-led operation
NATO-led Partnership for Peace operation
Political-Military Framework for NATO-led PfP Operations
UN-led International Police Task Force
lead [led]
light-emitting-diode array (LED array)
light-emitting diode (LED)
configure at LED Strip tab
Enable Multi-color RGB LED strip support
LED Configuration
LED Orientation ('Modes and Orientation') and Color
LED Profile Selection
LED Strip
LED Strip Wiring
Multi-color RGB LED strip support
Switch off LED STRIP output
wait for LED to resume blinking before disconnecting power