інженерно-інфраструктурне забезпечення
reverse engineering ( back- wards engineering)
bilateral infrastructure
critical infrastructure
critical infrastructure protection (CIP)
facilities and infrastructure
Infrastructure and Defense Manpower Committee (NATO)
Infrastructure and Facilities Management
Infrastructure Committee (IC, NATO)
military infrastructure
national infrastructure
political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, and time (PMESII-PT)
rehabilitation of infrastructure
destroy infrastructure
defense infrastructure
key infrastructure
common infrastructure
critical infrastructure protection
inspections and surveys of infrastructure
Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DIICOE)
radar infrastructure
emergency infrastructure reconstruction
energy infrastructure
airfield engineering
airfield-engineering and NAVAID survey
aviation engineering
chemical engineering
civil engineering support
countermobility engineering support
director of defense research and engineering
engineering and operations team (EOT)
engineering equipment