Logistics and Resources Division (L&R)
Управління з тилового забезпечення та ресурсів
Управління з тилового забезпечення та ресурсів
acquisition, technology, and logistics (AT&L)
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD AT&L)
operations and logistics division (OPS/LOG)
reorganized objective army division (ROAD division)
Human and Financial Resources Directorate (NATO)
joint personnel, resources, and finance center
populace and resources control
gain control of terrain, resources, and population centers
Army Fuels and Lubricants Working Party (ARMY F&LWP)
Army Mobilization and Operations Planning & Execution System (AMOPES)
indications and warnings (I&W)
movement and transportation (M&T)
operations and maintenance (O&M)