боєприпаси несмертельної дії (що тимчасово виводять з ладу)
less-lethal weapons (less-than-lethal weapons)
anti-lethal technologies
anti-lethal weapons
lethal concentration
lethal effect
lethal exposure
lethal fire
lethal force (deadly force)
lethal force
lethal weapon
lethal wound
lethal-nonlethal coordination
mean lethal radiation dose
non-lethal capabilities (NLC)
non-lethal capabilities set
non-lethal effect (NLE)
non-lethal projectile weapons
non-lethal technologies (NLTs)
non-lethal weapon (NLW)
nonlethal-lethal effect
no lethal poisoning
lethal suppression drone system
Allied Ammunition Storage and Safety Publications (AASTP)
ammo pouch (ammunition pouch)
ammunition (ammo)
ammunition bearer
ammunition belt
ammunition box
ammunition consumption
ammunition drum
ammunition dump
ammunition handling and storage system