протилетальна зброя
less-lethal weapons (less-than-lethal weapons)
non-lethal projectile weapons
anti-lethal technologies
less lethal ammunition
lethal concentration
lethal effect
lethal exposure
lethal fire
lethal force (deadly force)
lethal force
lethal weapon
lethal wound
lethal-nonlethal coordination
mean lethal radiation dose
non-lethal capabilities (NLC)
non-lethal capabilities set
non-lethal effect (NLE)
non-lethal technologies (NLTs)
non-lethal weapon (NLW)
nonlethal-lethal effect
no lethal poisoning
lethal suppression drone system
biological weapons (bacteriological weapons)
infantry anti-tank weapons
anti-drone weapons
handheld anti-tank weapons
anti-personnel-anti-material projectile
AV/AT mines (anti-vehicle / anti-tank mines)
accompanying weapons
acoustic weapons
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)