протилетальна зброя
less-lethal weapons (less-than-lethal weapons)
non-lethal projectile weapons
anti-lethal technologies
less lethal ammunition
lethal concentration
lethal effect
lethal exposure
lethal fire
lethal force (deadly force)
lethal force
lethal weapon
lethal wound
lethal-nonlethal coordination
mean lethal radiation dose
non-lethal capabilities (NLC)
non-lethal capabilities set
non-lethal effect (NLE)
non-lethal technologies (NLTs)
non-lethal weapon (NLW)
nonlethal-lethal effect
no lethal poisoning
lethal suppression drone system
biological weapons (bacteriological weapons)
infantry anti-tank weapons
anti-drone weapons
anti-personnel-anti-material projectile
AV/AT mines (anti-vehicle / anti-tank mines)
accompanying weapons
acoustic weapons
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
advanced conventional weapons systems