joint all sources information center (JASIC)
спільний (об’єднаний) центр [збору і обробки] інформації з усіх джерел
спільний (об’єднаний) центр [збору і обробки] інформації з усіх джерел
all for one and one for all / one for all and all for one
Joint Information Operations Center /Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)
information drawn from sensitive sources
information from covert sources
joint information center (JIC)
data gathered from unreliable sources
intelligence sources and techniques
gather intelligence from foreign sources
all-wheel drive / all wheel drive
All-Purpose Structured EUROCONTROL Radar Information Exchange (ASTERIX)
compartmented information (sensitive compartmented information [SCI])
combat information center (CIC)
media information center (MIC)
National Technical Information Center
Joint Information and Analysis Centre (JIAC)
surface-to-air missile operations center / SAM operations center (SAMOC)
French Center Recherche Sur Le Renseignement / French Center for Intelligence Research (Cf2r / CF2R)
Joint Air Operations Center (JAOC)
Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (the) (JAIC, pronounced 'jake')