агентурні матеріали (про розвідку / термін спецслужб)
joint all sources information center (JASIC)
information drawn from sensitive sources
collateral data sources
interdiction of sources of financing
cue a weapon-locating radar to other intelligence sources
data gathered from unreliable sources
find intelligence sources
intelligence sources and techniques
field of sources
method of sources
gather intelligence from foreign sources
clandestine operation; covert operation
covert action
covert activities
covert amphibious entry
covert attack
covert delivery
covert forces
covert intelligence
covert operation
covert propaganda
covert warfare
covert way
carry out covert action
covert activity
covert influence operation
covert intelligence officer identities
covert intelligence work
covert ops
compartmented information (sensitive compartmented information [SCI])
according to information received