Навчання з бойового злагодження військ
noncoherent integration / non-coherent integration
mission integration training
force-on-force training
fit for combat/fight
fit for labor and defense
best-fit optic Z-plane
driven fit
utility pouch fit
fit for battle
fit out
fit strip
fit together
assembly drawing (diagram showing how components of an object fit together) / exploded view
combat fit manpower
fit the mask
press fit
face fit testing (FFT)
air-land Integration (ALI)
Euro-Atlantic Integration and Partnership Directorate (NATO)
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
Joint Technology Center / Systems Integration Lab (JSIL)
manned and unmanned systems integration capability (MUSIC)
military-economic integration
multi-sensor integration
radio wire integration
reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSOI / RSOM&I)
special operations air land integration
modified integration digital analogue simulator
performance and integration retrofit