придатний до стройової служби, боєготовий
fit for combat/fight
combat fit manpower
Force Integration Training (FIT)
fit for labor and defense
best-fit optic Z-plane
driven fit
utility pouch fit
fit for battle
fit out
fit strip
fit together
assembly drawing (diagram showing how components of an object fit together) / exploded view
fit the mask
press fit
face fit testing (FFT)
combat-loaded weight / combat loaded weight
combat trouser belt, combat belt
air combat / air-combat
Future Combat Air System (FCAS) / (фр.) Système de combat aérien futur (SCAF)
active combat area
aerial combat
air-to-air combat
area of combat operations
armored combat earthmover (ACE)
armored combat load compartment
armored infantry combat (fighting) vehicle (AICFV)
Armoured Combat Support Vehicle (ACSV)
army basic combat training
army combat uniform (ACU)
automated combat control
automatic combat direction system