аварійно-рятувальні роботи
work hygiene / hygiene of work
emergency rescue
rescue (emergency) blanket
emergency service / emergency operations service
general engineer work
NATO Programme of Work for defenseagainst Terrorism (DAT)
open work
work / cost distribution
work-share (econ.)
labor gang; labor team; work party
work order
be responsible for the results of intelligence work
carry out counter-espionage work
cipher work
counterbattery work
covert intelligence work
work as an analyst
work for the CIA
work for the intelligence agency
work in the mail room of Germany's Federal Intelligence Service
work loose
work through locally recruited agents
work undercover
disrupt the work of
undercover work
experience with clandestine work
highway work
intelligence work
jig the work
job work
laboratory practical work
specific work