екстрені рятувальні заходи; рятування під час аварії
emergency rescue work
rescue (emergency) blanket
emergency service / emergency operations service
combat search and rescue (CSAR)
heavy rescue
hostage release / rescue
Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC)
patrol rescue escort
rescue and salvage ship (ARS)
Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)
rescue detail
rescue party
rescue ship
rescue team
rescue worker
rescue-type operations
search and rescue operation
search and rescue team / unit
search and rescue team leader
specialized search and rescue (SSAR)
urban search and rescue team (USAR)
combat rescue
crash and rescue vehicle
crash-rescue cutting tool
crash-rescue operations
rescue and fire fighting panel
rescue and fire fighting service
rescue boat
rescue co-ordination centre
rescue equipment
rescue facilities
rescue fighting