лабораторний практикум
practical exercise (PE)
practical training period
work hygiene / hygiene of work
deployable NBC analytical laboratory
field laboratory
medical laboratory support
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
research laboratory
Air Force Research Laboratory
laboratory engine test
laboratory test
laboratory test engine method
jungle laboratory
wound ballistic laboratory
manned оrbital laboratory
pilotless aircraft development laboratory
bacteriological laboratory lorry
bacteriological warfare laboratory
ballistic wounds laboratory
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
chemical warfare laboratory
chemical warfare laboratory lorry
emergency rescue work
general engineer work
NATO Programme of Work for defenseagainst Terrorism (DAT)
open work
work / cost distribution
work-share (econ.)
labor gang; labor team; work party
work order
be responsible for the results of intelligence work
carry out counter-espionage work