double-action only
ударно-спусковий механізм тільки подвійної дії
ударно-спусковий механізм тільки подвійної дії
night only computer generated image
FEDCON (Federal Employees and Contractors only)
admittance by authorized credentials only
interact with character mode files only
electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM)
Hexadecimal digits only, 0-9, A-F
Only arm after successfull EDT handshake
Only flash firmware if you are fully aware what you are doing.
Only MULTI mode currently supported
Return altitude (meters) - only applies in Fixed Altitude mode
Heading are only shown when magnetometer is in use
This sets if the TX only beeps one-time versus playing a startup song
Only use to compensate for really bad tunes
after-action review / after action review (AAR)
integrated mine action and development (linking mine action and development)
follow-up on corrective action / following on corrective action