самозвідний; спусковий механізм подвійної дії
pull fuse; pull-action fuse
double-pull trigger action
double-double wargame
pull-action mine
pull-action target-sensor
double-action fuze
double-action only
double-action revolver
double-action trigger system
after-action review / after action review (AAR)
integrated mine action and development (linking mine action and development)
follow-up on corrective action / following on corrective action
tension release action mine / tension-release action mine
pull back
pull system
pull the trigger
pull troops out of the line
pullout (pull-out)
adjustable trigger pull
clutch stop pull-off spring
hard trigger pull
heavy pull
heavy trigger pull
push-pull control linkage
pull maneuvers
push-and-pull rod
push-pull rod
pull in range
pull-in range
pull-in range / pulling range
pull out of the line