лічильник курсу і швидкості цілі
march calculator
trajectory calculator
radiac calculator
supersonic speed (exceeds speed of sound / Mach 1)
variable-speed with speed control
instantaneous vertical speed indicator / instantaneous vertical-speed indicator (IVSI)
cruise speed / cruising speed
Nr gauge (Nr = speed of rotation) / rotor speed sensor
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
fire and maneuver course
fourth and fifth speed gear synchronizer
wind speed and direction
hovering and low-speed indicator
advanced course
assault course
basic course
course members
course of action (COA)
course participant
gyro course indicator
lap course
lead collision course
mid-course phase
obstacle belt/ course
officer leadership training course
orientation course
physical fitness screening course
pursuit course [curve]
record firing course
ski course
survival course
Basic Officer Leaders Course (BOLC)