датчик частоти обертання
rotor speed sensor / Nr gauge
main-rotor rotation direction
tail rotor rotation direction
oil gauge / oil-gauge
electronic fuel gauge sensor
Nr (Nr = speed of rotation)
Hall Sensor / Hall effect sensor
lateral dual rotor system / side-by-side rotor helicopter
main-rotor head / main-rotor hub
main-rotor hub / main-rotor head
main-rotor speed
rotor speed / Nr
rotation of units
traverse rotation
rotation voltage displacement transducer
rearming and refueling aircraft rotation
correction for rotation
slow-rotation fin-stabilized HEAT projectile
bogie-rotation mechanism
synchronous rotation
blade flapping (the vertical movement in its plane of rotation because of differences in lift between the advancing and retreating blades)
chaotic rotation
direction of blade rotation
international earth rotation service
mean angular velocity of rotation
plane of rotation / tip path plane
tip path plane / plane of rotation
correction for earth rotation
sustainable rotation
sense of rotation
Apply yaw rotation relative to a FPV camera