конічний перехід у каналі ствола; кульовий вхід
erosion of bore (in the bore)
Earth's central progression
career progression chart
conical end
conical fin
conical shock tube air blast simulator
conical flow
conical shock wave
Taylor-Maccoll solution for conical flow
conical scanning
nun buoy (conical)
blunt conical reentry vehicle
conical scaning
axis of the bore
barrel bore wear level
bore brush (swab)
bore cleaner
bore diameter
centerline of the bore
extended range full bore (ERFB)
helix along the axis of the bore
muzzle bore sight
rifle bore cleaner
smallbore (small-bore)
smooth-bore (smoothbore)
smooth-bore artillery
bore guide
big bore
bore corner
bore gauge
bore leading