гвинтоподібна лінія вздовж каналу ствола
pitch axis / transverse axis / lateral axis
helix-shaped pattern
erosion of bore (in the bore)
axis of the bore
setting angle of the longitudinal axis with respect to the aircraft axis
animal 'come-along'
concentration along the key axes
contact along the front
sighted at / along (smth)
error along the trajectory
along-track error
pressure distribution curve along the chord of an aerofoil section
barrel bore wear level
bore brush (swab)
bore cleaner
bore diameter
centerline of the bore
extended range full bore (ERFB)
muzzle bore sight
rifle bore cleaner
smallbore (small-bore)
smooth-bore (smoothbore)
smooth-bore artillery
bore guide
big bore
bore corner
bore gauge
bore leading
bore obstruction
bore premature
bore sight