(розм.) нагороди (ордени, медалі, нагрудні значки тощо)
chest webbing, chest rig
GPS hardware
procurement of materiel / military hardware
hardware redundancy testing
Functional Hardware and Software Contour (FHSC)
towing hardware
flaunt captured hardware
drone hardware
hardware in the loop (HIL)
Disable the hardware ADC filter in the Transmitter
allow Wi-Fi enabled hardware to connect to the home network automatically
document hardware on which you have successfully flashed and tested Bluejay by (adding it to the Wiki)
Shows sensors hardware
Testing the application on your hardware
This operation is not supported by your hardware
unverified hardware
cartridge chest
chest rig
HyFin Vent Chest Seal (HyfinSeal)
ammunition chest support
arm chest
head and chest set
chest-crossing strap of a parachute harness
sea chest
sea chest gate valve
ammunition chest
chest carry position
chest case
chest pack parachute
chest protector