робити призов (на військову службу); оголошувати мобілізацію
call up (call-up)
join the colours / the military
regimental colours / color
non-tactical colours
tactical colours
Queen's colours
nail colours to the mast
strike one's colours
leave the colors
oath of allegiance (to the colors)
with flying colors
retain with the colors
camp colors
service with the colors
make the colors
Mode colors
Special colors
cadence (call)
call for fire (CFF)
call sign (callsign)
call-out procedure
call-out suit (CBRN)
call-up; conscription, draft
collective call sign
distress alert; distress call
draft (conscription, call-up)
mayday call (‘Mayday, Mayday, Mayday’)
net call sign
on-call fire
on-call fires tab
on-call mission