accident-free flying / mishap-free flying
mishap-free flying / accident-free flying
low flying aircraft / low-flying aircraft
leave the colors
oath of allegiance (to the colors)
retain with the colors
call to the colors (colours)
camp colors
service with the colors
make the colors
Mode colors
Special colors
anti-low-flying aircraft missile
flying boat
flying bomb
flying control officer
flying properties
flying squadron
flying wing
non-flying squadron
operational flight/ flying
unidentified flying object (UFO)
nap-of-the-earth (NOE) (ground-hugging / terrain masking / flying under the radar / hedgehopping)
achieve coordination in flying
flying ace goggles
flying command post
flying junction
flying torpedo
terrain-hugging air-breathing low-flying vehicles
mishap- / accident-free flying
flying life